Happy Independence Day, Everyone! I hope you're taking this opportunity to thank God for the blessings we have living in a country that's free and for the brave men and women who have and are giving their lives so we can remain so.
I feel our personal liberties are being slowly eroded away so we must be ever vigilant and prayerful.
Now about this hot, bubbly delight.....
Mmmm, remember these peaches? Well, as promised, here's the cobbler...still bubbling and hot from the oven. I used the Perfect Pie Crust recipe here and cut it into uneven strips. I just think it makes it look more homemade.
The recipe for the cobbler filling is super simple:
8-10 c. fresh peaches, washed, peeled and sliced
2 c. sugar
4-6 T. cornstarch (depending on the juiciness of your peaches)
1/2 t. freshly grated nutmeg
1 t. vanilla
3 T. butter
Place sliced peaches into a 13x9 baking pan. Mix sugar, cornstarch, nutmeg together in a small bowl. Sprinkle over peaches. Drizzle vanilla over peach mixture. Toss peaches gently, dot with butter. Cover with strips of pie crust or leave the crust whole and cut vent holes with a knife.
Bake at 450 degrees for about 25-30 min. or until the peaches are tender. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream.