Wednesday, November 17, 2010

SSD51 and OTWC#33

How's that for a blog title?  Hubby was off  part of the day today so no time to get these posted earlier.  We had to run a couple of errands and he completed not one but two "honey do" jobs.   Yah!

Here's the story of how things go here cooler stops cooling.  No problem says, DH.  He can fix it.  He orders the part online, only $15!  A big savings. See how clever he is?

Now, how to install part.  Open back of unit. No idea how to install part.  Call engineer friend.  Problem solved. Part installed.  Wine cooler - doesn't all.  Nada, nothing. Unintelligible words muttered. Wine cooler sits in hallway for 2 weeks.  DH finally relents, calls appliance repair.  Bring it in - cost $50...the fan was stuck. 

Install wine cooler back in spot...nope.  The wood has swelled because unit has been out too long in humid climate.  Damage cabinet fillers trying to jam the thing in and out.  Remove filler parts.  Take to cabinet shop.  Cost to repair - $50.  Meanwhile, put dehumidifier into wine cooler spot. 

Today, the cooler gets installed with lots of pushing but no unintelligible muttering...wife stays as far away from installation site as humanly possible to avoid possibility of offering advice that will definitely not be appreciated.  DH had brilliant idea (really!) to put velcro on filler pieces so they could be installed after cooler was in place and taken off, just in case of a future cooler breakdown to save $50.

Total time and cost - 1 month, $125 parts and gas.  Still married - wine cool.  ;-D

Now to the important stuff.....

The first card is for the sketch challenge on Skipping Stones Design. SSD51.  I loved this sketch the minute I saw it.

This is for our good friend, Mike, who turned 65 today!  Party Hearty, Mike!

This next card is for the Off the Wall Craftiness Challenge #33

I couldn't decide which version I liked better the pink layered one or the clean and simple one.  A fun way to use up scraps of May Arts ribbon!  Want to win some May Arts ribbon of your own?  Head over to Off the Wall Craftiness and play along...the prize is an assortment of ribbon from May Arts!!

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