Tuesday, I had my Beth Moore Daniel study (love that!) in the morning, ran errands all afternoon, raced home to make dinner and then we had our couples Bible study that night.
Wednesday, I crashed...seriously crashed. I guess my age is catching up to me...oh, how I hate to admit that!
Thursday and Friday, I had the most awful stomach ache I've EVER experienced. I just couldn't image what would have caused it until I read the side of the box of protein bars we've been eating on our weight loss diet. My DH is wanting to lose 20 lbs. (they're having a challenge at his job), so I decided it wouldn't hurt me to lose 5 or 10 either. I found these really good protein bars called "Pure Protein"...20 grams of Protein, low carbs, low sugar...well, it was the low sugar part that caused my stomach problems. It seems these bars contain "sugar alchohols". It says right on the box that some people are sensitive to them. Um, I didn't read that before I bought them! I did some more research on the net and sure enough...that was it. I was eating just one a day with a full glass of water but it was still too many for me. I just don't metabolize the sugar alchohols well. My DH has had no problems with them at all and they really do taste good and satisfy not only the appetite but the craving for something sweet, but I guess, for me, I'll have to find something else because I was in sheer agony for two entire days.
We began our Marriage Bible study in our home on Friday nights as well and I do most of the prep so you can see why I've had no stamping time....I have a craft show coming up in Nov. so I'll have some things to show you soon.
In the meantime, I thought you might like to see "The End"...our laundry room (the ugly) is nearly finished!! My DH did everything everything from laying the tile, to putting in the cabinets, countertops, sink, faucet, etc. all by himself. My job was painting that awful mauvy purple color to a warm muslin. Sorry for the brightness...there is a skylight in there (thankful for it when we have hurricane shutters up! Everything came from Lowes except for the handles which we got at Ikea. We still have touch up painting and decorating to do plus he put the wrong handle size on the big drawer so have to re-order a new front but otherwise, we're nearly there.