Saturday, April 14, 2012

Operation Write Home - Make'em Laugh


May Arts has once again teamed up with the awesome folks at Operation Write Home (did you know they have a challenge blog now?!) and some other fine companies to support our troops through our craft.  The MA Team has come up with some fun cards to share so be sure to pop over to the blog for a few giggles and to see how YOU can participate in this worthy cause.  Just remember to keep your embellishments to a minimum so that extra postage isn't needed.

Here are the cards I've sent to Operation Home to hopefully bring a few smiles to our troops.

Stamps - Sentiment- Rubbernecker Stamps; Image - Whipper Snapper
May Arts Woven Burlap

                                                                     Stamps by Judith
                                                                 May Arts Burlap String  

You can find a list of the other companies participating in the hop on the May Arts blog.                            
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