Random Integer Generator
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Timestamp: 2012-09-01 01:24:56 UTC
amy said
um, just gained 5 lbs:)
You poor dear...I had braces before and my DD has had them since dec 2010 so I feel your pain:(
Aren't you a sweetie to do the follower blog candy...who doesn't love PTI?
Happy Friday!
August 3, 2012 1:19 PM
Congratulations, Amy! You've got two weeks to contact me for your prize!!
Now for the September Candy...Back to School! Perfect for teacher gifts, tags, cards and scrapbooking.
Just leave a comment on this page for a chance to win. One follower will be chosen at the end of the month.
I apologize for being absent for a few days...the doctor ordered me off my ankle as the swelling isn't going down. MRI on Tuesday....sigh