Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Teapot Tuesday - Cards for Katie

It's hard to be glib about today's post.  SCS Teapot Tuesday Destination Station this week is Bellingham, Washington.  Katie is a young mom with 3 adorable little boys.  She has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Stomach Cancer.  For those of you who aren't familiar with the stages, this stage is the worst.  There is a link on the Teapot post to Katie's blog.  


Here's my card for Katie.

It's based on this teapot. 
There is a fundraiser for Katie here on Jak Heath.  You make a donation and get tons of digital stamps. 

Thought for today....having a puppy is exactly like having a new born baby.  I'm off to grab a shower while he's asleep.

Here's the big dog and the little dog so you get  an idea of the size difference.  This is the evening activity.  Big dog allows it for about 2 minutes, then she's up and outta there!

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