Friday, March 5, 2010

$25 to spend at Posh Designs Scrapbook Store!!

Just a quick reminder that you still have 4 days to get a card entered in the sketch challenge at Posh Designs Scrapbook Store.  There's a $25 gift certificate so spend at the store for one lucky winner so be sure to get your card linked on the blog

No card today as DH and I have been painting the kitchen...all day and we're still not finished!!  Whose idea was this anyway...?? 

I'm the guilty was a pretty Martha Stewart green called "Fen"...don't ask me what Fen is...I have no idea.  At any rate, I was tired of it so painted it a Benjamin Moore color called Muslin.  Loving this color with the black accents in my kitchen. 

Kuddos to my sweet DH who just came home from a week long meeting yesterday and spent his only day off this week with a roller in his hands.  I think he's a keeper. 

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