May Arts Ribbon is proud to support our nation’s deployed heroes through Operation Write Home®! This organization has sent over one million cards overseas so our service members can keep in touch with their loved ones while they’re away. I hope you enjoy all the projects on the May Arts Blog and take some time to check out OWH’s blog and all the others participating,
Here's my submission: I used OWH Sketch 225 or my layout.
I am so honored to be able to participate in the Operation Write Home Blog Hop. Our military men and women are far from home without the daily love and support of their loved ones. OWH gives them a way to stay in touch. Thanks OWH and May Arts for giving us a way to be encouragers to our brave men and women in the military.
The Ribbon Lady is giving you more incentive to make and send cards to OWH - 2 spools of ribbon of your choice!! What do you have to do? Comment HERE
God Bless our men and women in the military, past and present. Freedom is not free and we so appreciate their sacrifice.
May Arts Ribbon used: (All ribbons were run through the Xyron to make sure they were good and sticky.