Friday, August 3, 2012

Foodie Friday - French Breakfast Puffs & Candy!

My apologies for not posting this month's Blog Candy as promised yesterday.  I got new heavier wires on my braces and my mouth hurts so badly even my head hurts.  A sip of water brought tears to my eyes.  I don't know how the little kids do it!

I did bake these lovely treats on Wednesday for an upcoming May Arts Blog Hop.  Wait til you see what I did with them!  hee,hee...


I adapted the recipe from The Pioneer Woman a couple of years ago and believe me when I tell you they're worth every single calorie!!  I've got the recipe here so you can print it out and make some for yourself...and the rest of your family but only if you can't hide them fast enough!

Now for this month's Follower Blog Candy...I've got a $10 gift certificate for

Just leave me a comment on this post and let me know how you're following!

Thanks get those muffins in the oven!!

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