Saturday, January 10, 2009

Look What Lily the Fairy Did!!

Remember Lily the Fairy from here? Well, I guess she wasn't too happy being in that cute but somewhat plain box because look what she did.....
I do agree the Dew Drops are a huge improvement. Maybe I should have let her do this in the first think? ;-) I'm pretty sure she adhered them with Crystal Effects so they're on there to stay. I think Shannon will like them, too!
Blessings and Happy Stamping,
Pin It!


Hayley said...

What a gorgeous tin. The image is so cute and your colouring is amazing.

MBZim said...

From adorable to irresistable, this is sooo cute!

Cindy Haffner said...

Oh so so sweet, TFS.

Carolyn King said...

oh i love the blinged up fairy box....truly magical!

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