Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Blog Award and A Cutting Cafe Winner!!

This post will stay on top until Wednesday, the 18th. Please scroll down for new posts and tutorials. If the winner doesn't contact me by Wednesday, I will draw another name, so stay tuned.

While I was sick, I got this sweet blog award from Kelly. My mind must have been in a total fog because I forgot to post it. Thanks so much Kelly!! I will be sure to pass this award on. If you haven't popped on over to Kelly's blog yet, you've really missed out. This lady has super talent!

Here are a few talented ladies I'd like to give this happy award to:

Charlene Merrick

We have winner of the Planner, Christmas tags, and Notebook Cover templates from The Cutting Cafe!
Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2009-11-15 16:43:05 UTC

Karen said:

Your planners and tags are such great ideas and who couldn't use more organization?Hope you are feeling better too!

November 12, 2009 2:52 PM

Congratulations, Karen!! Please email me: asap with your email information so we can get your file to you. If I don't hear from you by Wednesday, I will draw a new winner.

A big Thank you !!! to everyone who played along...stay tuned, you just never know when another giveaway will pop up.

Pin It!


Sue from Oregon said...

What a nice award...I left one on my blog for you too, but don't feel obligated to play along...I know you have been sick girly. Take care!

Carol<>< said...

congrats Karen,

Susan (rainy) said...

Congrats to the winner! Also, Charlene, thank you for the sweet award!!

Sabrina Jackson said...

Charlene, I am sorry it took me a few days to come and pick up this awesome award. THANK YOU!!! You know how much this means to me!! Hugs and blessings my friend, Sabrina

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