While I was sick, I got this sweet blog award from Kelly. My mind must have been in a total fog because I forgot to post it. Thanks so much Kelly!! I will be sure to pass this award on. If you haven't popped on over to Kelly's blog yet, you've really missed out. This lady has super talent!
Here are a few talented ladies I'd like to give this happy award to:
Charlene Merrick
Random Integer Generator
Timestamp: 2009-11-15 16:43:05 UTC
Karen said:
Your planners and tags are such great ideas and who couldn't use more organization?Hope you are feeling better too!
Congratulations, Karen!! Please email me: cookiebaker57@gmail.com asap with your email information so we can get your file to you. If I don't hear from you by Wednesday, I will draw a new winner.
A big Thank you !!! to everyone who played along...stay tuned, you just never know when another giveaway will pop up.
What a nice award...I left one on my blog for you too, but don't feel obligated to play along...I know you have been sick girly. Take care!
congrats Karen,
Congrats to the winner! Also, Charlene, thank you for the sweet award!!
Charlene, I am sorry it took me a few days to come and pick up this awesome award. THANK YOU!!! You know how much this means to me!! Hugs and blessings my friend, Sabrina
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