Each summer when we go to visit our kids/grandkids, we plan a trip to the peach orchard on the way home. Before we leave, we poll our neighbors and friends to see who wants some. :-) We eat our fill of the luscious peach ice cream they make there and then head home with our fragrant bounty.
Thankfully, they don't all fully ripen the same day, but there is very short window to preserve and eat them.
Here's how I preserve the peach bounty for eating all through the year.
First, peel and measure out a quart of peaches. I've found a one quart glass measuring cup filled to the top fills a one quart ziploc freezer bag nicely.
Is your mouth watering yet?
I have ready 1/2 c. sugar mixed with 1/4 t. Fruit Fresh.
Pour 1/2 the sugar mixture into the bag, then the peaches, and the rest of the sugar mixture. Here's where the kiddos can help out. Shake the bag until the sugar and peaches are combined.
Take a plastic drink straw, open the bag just a bit, and suck the air out of the bag. (I know there are machines for this part, and I own one but the bags are costly and they suck the juice out as well. Kinda defeats the purpose.)
Here's how well this method works. While clearing space in the freezer for the new bounty, I found this bag from 2010. Still beautiful and delicious!
Of course, that frozen bag of peaches went to good use! I mixed it with some of the fresh ones, grabbed some Perfect Pie Crust from the freezer and with just a few minutes of prep, we had PIE!
Look at those beautiful bubbles, right out of the oven!
Come on over, I'll put the coffee on!
oh my you are teasing me...I ABSOLUTELY LOVE peach pie...
mmm, mmm, good! I used to live in the Okanagan. That is the area in BC where all the soft fruits, grapes, and other fruits are grown. It is hot and dry (simo arid) and I used to can and freeze like your picture...
Oh what memories your post has brought back
Thanks for sharing with us!
Great looking peaches, Charlene! I too went by a peach orchard on the way home from the beach last Sunday and picked up a 1/2 bushel. I have canned 6 pts. and also made 5 pts. of peach preserves...as well as a peach cobbler. Yummmmmmmy is all I can say, lol!!!
Looks yummy!!! Wish you lived next door :)
Looks delicious!
oh my...I am so going to try this this year! We get peaches here in August, so good timeing for me. Does one bag make a pie or do you use 2?
YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY..... I think I will make some peach cobbler now lol!
OMG!!! I can smell the peaches at my house.
yummmmm!!! Thanks for the tips!!! Blessings, Angie
I don't even love peaches, but those look amazing!! Still need to try your perfect pie crust too!!!
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