Saturday, May 29, 2010

Blog Candy and Eye Candy Alert

I just checked out Lorrinda's blog, Isn't that Sweet.  She's one of my Paper Cubed Design Team buddies.  While I was oohing and ahhing over her creations, I saw that she had a link to this awesome blog..Make it goodness!  This lady has some SERIOUS talent!!...and an awesome blog candy as well.

As fun as this is, it pales compared to her talent!  Check out this card...

In addition to being gorgeous, that horse ROCKS!  She designed the mechanism that makes it rock back and forth!  Fabulous!!  She's got a video at the link showing it rocking....way cool!

Head on over and check her out! 
Pin It!


Kelly said...

Thanks for the link...I'm on my way to check it out! Hope you had a good weekend!

Zoe said...

Thank you for entering my candy and for the lovely comments about my work.
I am now going through and putting together the list of entrants who qualify. Check back in a few days to see if you have won. Good Luck!

Hugs, Zoe xxoo

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