Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Teapot Tuesday - Hey Jake!

Edited to add:  apologies to my email readers...blogger once again threw a scheduled post into draft.  Grrrrr

This week's Teapot Tuesday destination station is Maryland and a young boy named Jake who's had more surgeries than birthdays.  You can read Jake's story here.  Jake loves jokes and loves to laugh. 

Here's the teapot Cindy chose as Jake's inspiration piece...a court jester, of course!

  Here's my card for Jake..we were instructed to bring jokes or knock-knocks...duh...I should have put my punch line on the inside!!

If you'd like to send Jake a card, here's his address:

Jake Watson
PO Box 212
Myersville, Maryland  21773

Paper - Neenah, PTI, Making Memories, misc. DP
Ink - various SU for sponging
Accessories - Basic Grey fibers, beads, bling. bling dots, computer generated wording

Pin It!


Susan (rainy) said...

Oh Charlene, Jake will love this fun and festive card. Great take on the teapot, too.

Riet said...

What a gorgeous card Charlene.

Hugs Riet.xx

Anonymous said...

Very cute card Charlene! Fun colors and I'm sure Jake will enjoy the joke!

Monica said...

I am sure Jake will love your knock, knock joke. I think it is just fine to have the punch line outside...

The beads look cool with the the stripes and dots. Perfect actually. Such a cheerful card.

xxx Monica

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